Did you know the foods we eat can affect not only our physical bodies but our state of mind? We had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Drew Ramsey on our latest podcast, author behind 50 Shades of Kale (yes, that’s right!) and a psychiatrist focused on how food can do good for our brains and boost our moods. Recipes that are good for our brain are called “brain food” and spoiler alert: brainfood recipes are delicious too! Dr. Ramsey’s latest cookbook, Eat Complete, has some amazing stories of people who saw significant improvement in their anxiety or depression by simply changing what they ate. What foods are brain food? Dr. Ramsey has a little motto that we love: seafood, greens, nuts, and beans. It’s an easy way to remember how to incorporate brain food in your diet! Here we’ve compiled a list of our favorite brainfood recipes with seafood, greens, nuts and beans below — and check out our A Couple Cooks podcast Brain Food episode to hear more from Dr. Ramsey’s inspiring interview.

And now…our top brain food recipes!

Finally, below is an excerpt of a brain food recipe from Dr. Drew Ramsey’s book, Eat Complete: his Brain Food Salmon and Eggs! And as always, we’d love to hear what you think of these brain food recipes: let us know in the comments below! No reviews

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