Got okra? Okra is an edible pod that’s popular in various types of cuisine, from soul food of the American South to African and Indian. While it’s technically a fruit, okra is used as a vegetable in cooking. It’s infamous for its slimy texture when it’s overcooked, but when cooked properly it’s popular roasted, stewed, in curries, gumbo, and more. Here are all our favorite okra recipes for using this tasty vegetable! We’ve rounded up our top recipes from this website and a few of our favorite sources from around the web.
And now…12 great okra recipes!
Okra nutrition
Need a few more reasons to eat this tasty vegetable? Here’s more about okra nutrition per Healthline. Okra is:
An excellent source of Vitamin C and K. 1 cup has 25% of your daily required intake.Low in calories and carbs and contains some protein and fiber.A good source of folate. 1 cup has 15% of a woman’s daily folate need.
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