French fries are always a fast food favorite. And I think no other food will be able to take its place. Super crunchy fries are winners forever! For me, the easiest way to munch on these delicious fries is a short drive to one of the fast food places. Fortunately (or rather unfortunately when you think about the calorie intake), I’ve so many very close to my house. But the fact is that I love to whip up some homemade fries as much as I adore the fast food version. Obviously with homemade French fries, the hardest part is to make golden fries that are super crispy. But luckily, I’ve a few tips up my sleeve to help you make the best fries ever. First, the potatoes. Remember not all potatoes deliver perfect results. Go for russet potatoes or coliban potatoes. If you’re not sure about the best potatoes available in your place, don’t hesitate to ask the greengrocer. Once you get the right kind of potatoes, think about prepping them. Slice them as even as possible so they’ll cook at the same time. Second, boiling the potatoes. This is going to be the first step of making amazing homemade French fries. We are going to parboil the potatoes, and then drain them. Now you might notice that the cooked potatoes are really wet. So before we go to the next stage, dry them using a paper towel. Third, dust the cooked potatoes with rice flour. Yes, I’m using rice flour to coat the potatoes. Surprised? Trust me, you’re are going to be rewarded with super crisp outer layer once they come out of oil. Oh well, you can thank me later! Fourth, the method of cooking. We’re going to cook these homemade french fries the very traditional way. I mean, over stovetop. Heat up oil, and fry the fries in batches. Drain them when they’re golden and crispy. Now, once they’re ready, we’re going to add flavor to these french fries two ways. Half of the fries are seasoned with your favorite herb(I chose rosemary) and salt. The rest of the fries are seasoned with a sprinkle of chat masala, herbs (I chose mint) and salt. Done! So fry up these homemade French fries for your friends and family. And munch on!
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